Home All To Thailand Independently or With a Group?

To Thailand Independently or With a Group?

by Tomas Kupetis
Tailandas savarankiskai ar su grupe

If you consider travelling to Thailand (maybe somewhere else), first thing you have to decide is whether to travel independently or with a group.
Everything really depends on you, there is actually no right answer. There is a lot of information about Thailand, tourism is well developed, logistics are good and in my opinion the country is suitable for independent travelling, or getting to know Asia. On the other hand, not everyone feel comfortable travelling independently and rather choose travelling with a group for many reasons: lack of time for planning the trip, fear to badly plan the journey route, clarity, wanting to meet new people, lack of English knowledge or lack of company. If you are getting ready to travel with a group, it is important to choose a reliable travel organizer.

Have you seen this movie? Watch it and you will understand whether you want independent travelling or with a group.

However, if thought about it, it probably means that you aim for independent travelling, but are afraid or doubt yourself. We can help you if you find yourself stuck planning your trip to Thailand! Have questions? Write us.

Flying with a group, we recommend to choose reliable travel partners.

If you choose to travel independently, read more:

Most common questions we get about Thailand

Flights to Thailand
How to Find a Place to Stay
Local Transportation

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